How to sell items in the Second Life Marketplace

Well, there is a lot of info to cover so instead of writing it all here im posting a link directly to the Second Life knowledge base. They will be able to explain the process to you much quicker and in more depth.

Heres a quick run down of what they will cover...

    Products and pricing
  • What to sell
  • Pricing your item
    Getting started

    Creating a store
  • Preparing to create your store
  • Creating your store
    Listing items for sale
  • Setting up your item permissions
  • Packaging your items in a box
  • Adding a new item to your Marketplace listings
  • Setting up your Magic Box inworld
  • Adding the item on the Marketplace website
    Previewing your store

    Delivering items to the buyer

Selling items on secondlife is one of the easiest ways to make linden $ and real $.

Knowledge Base

Heres a lil tip...
Research the marketplace a little bit and find what sells. Create or 'aquire' around 100 products to sell. Rent a low rent shop for around  100l$, you need a place to put your Magic Box. The Magic box will deliver your market orders to your inworld customers so needs to be inworld at all times to allow delivery. List your items in the Second Life Marketplace and set up you  Marketplace Shop. Once done, you will have to wait a while for orders to start coming in. For better chances, make sure your titles are keyword rich, not to long, and descriptive, that your advert is indepth and precise, and that your ad image and logo are as good quality as possible.

In the waiting time you can decorate your shop.
Remember, you will need about 1000L$ to start off, to cover cost of rent and upload textures till you start making income. The lower the rent the better, you only need 1 prim for your Magic Box.
Once everything is set up, and you start getting orders, thats it. All you have to do is pay rent to keep your box inworld. Automated SL income. You could always add more stuff to make more money.
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